Social Media

Social Media is quite the "buzz word", it's thrown around and used as if it had a very defined meaning and action(s) associated with it. At IKRC we know Social Media is merely the concept of making use of the various platforms used for facilitating this new technological social interaction through sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. It's well established that good use of these platforms can be a tremendous boost for people and companies looking to gain exposure and put out a message. But how can busy companies take advantage of this gold mine? IKRC has worked with many companies to develop all types of systems and automated processes to help keep Twitter feeds and Facebook pages fresh, up to date, and relevant. Anything form a simple like or share feature to a full blown integration is possible and can be done, based on your specific needs, let us know what would help spark your business.

  • Social Media
  • API Integration
  • Social Media Automation
  • Social Media Integration
  • Single Sign On
  • Dynamic Content Generation for Sharing